Progressive Education

Since 2009, Leonon Progressive Education (LPE) has been the leading publisher of books on Dalton, Montessori, and Jenaplan education. Thanks to our close collaboration with research groups in innovative education, we offer publications that optimally support teacher training programs and make new scientific insights accessible. Our publications contribute to the further development of education professionals and inspire innovation in the classroom. For more information, please contact us at

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Leonon Progressive Education

€ 19,95
Dalton en ...

Daltononderwijs is een bloeiende en groeiende vorm van vernieuwingsonderwijs. Het is ruim honderd jaar geleden dat Helen Parkhurst over haar Dalton Plan publiceerde en dat er in ons land voor het eerst mee geëxperimenteerd werd. Het is ruim negentig jaar geleden dat de eerste ‘daltonianen’ in ons land de Nederlandse Dalton Vereniging (NDV) oprichtten. In de rij voorzitters van de NDV is Willem Wagenaar de achtste in de rij. Hij gaf leiding aan de NDV in de periode 2009-2023. In die veertien jaren verzorgde Wagenaar tien keer per jaar een column in de nieuwsbrief van de vereniging. Daarin bracht hij ontwikkelingen binnen de NDV in verband met het wereldnieuws of schreef hij over spontane voorvallen die de daltonkernwaarden bij hem opriepen. In Dalton en … zijn deze columns verzameld, voorzien van een beschouwende inleiding en een persoonlijke uitleiding. De columns geven een inkijkje in persoonlijke beweegredenen van Wagenaar en tegelijkertijd een beeld van hoe de NDV zich ontwikkelde in roerige tijden en hoe Wagenaar daarbij leiding gaf aan de vereniging. Willem Wagenaar voelde zich verantwoordelijk. Van hem zijn de woorden: “Verantwoordelijkheid dragen moet je gegund worden! En het is mij gegund. Daar dank ik iedere daltoniaan voor”.

€ 25,95
Perspectives on Montessori

A Montessori school is a school that practices the pedagogy of Maria Montessori. For over 100 years, the Montessori method has successfully contributed to the education of children all over the world and the method is still being used daily: her legacy can be found in thousands of Montessori schools in more than 148 countries across the globe. Confirmation that the Montessori method is future proof and ready for the coming century. The Montessori method has been extensively described and has influenced many people working in education. This book is a collection of personal perspectives, providing an insight into the ways in which Montessori has helped to shape how practitioners, school leaders and researchers perceive the purpose, core practices and outcomes of Montessori education. After the foreword by Adele Diamond, 19 international experts write about their own vision of the Montessori method. The aim of Perspectives on Montessori is to highlight and celebrate the success and uniqueness of the Montessori method to inspire and enrich readers with respect to the ways in which the Montessori method is envisioned and implemented. The book also challenges you, our reader, to reflect on your own perspective on Montessori. Perspectives on Montessori consists of the contributions of the following authors: Marisa Canova - Cofounder and Director of the Training Center at Fundación Argentina María Montessori, Argentina Connie Carballo - Cofounder and Executive director of Fundación Argentina María Montessori, Argentina Astrid Steverlynck – Leader of Special Projects at Fundación Argentina María Montessori, Argentina Adele Diamond - Canada Research Chair Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Canada Chang Lei - Director of Xiamen XinMeng Montessori Kindergarten, China Rukmini Ramachandran - Director of Navadisha Montessori School and the Managing Trustee of the Indian Montessori Foundation, India Jaap de Brouwer – Researcher and Montessori trainer at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Els Mattijssen - Montessori trainer and researcher at Vivid Onderwijs, the Netherlands Patrick Sins – Professor Alternative Education at Thomas More University of Applied Sciences and Professor Learning at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Mirjam Stefels – Montessori trainer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Symen van der Zee – Professor Alternative Education at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Jan Gaffney - Mentor, coach and consultant for Montessori education, school principal and past president of Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand, New Zealand Carla Foster – Director of Elementary Montessori training for the University of South-eastern, Norway Nina Helen Johansen – Executive director of Montessori Norway, Norway Beata Bednarczuk – Associate Professor in the Institute of Pedagogy at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland André Shearer – Chairman of the Indaba Foundation, South-Africa Hsien-Wei Lee - Teacher at Harvard Montessori Educational Institution, Taiwan Barbara Isaacs – President of Montessori Europe, United Kingdom Angeline S. Lillard - Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia, United States Ginni Sacket – Montessori trainer for the Association Montessori Internationale, United States

€ 119,95
DevOps Continuous Control

Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable product or service across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach. This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous Assessment For each Continuous Everything aspect area it is indicated how to organize it in your organization based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. The best practices are also discussed per aspect area. With this book in hand, you have a powerful tool to further your DevOps skills.

€ 56,45
Continuous Security

Met deze Agile benadering van information security heeft u een krachtig gereedschap in handen om grip te krijgen op de compliancy van uw Agile systeemontwikkeling -en beheer.Continuous Security is een aanpak die beoogt om organisaties continue in control te laten zijn vanuit drie perspectieven: 1. Het business perspectief – Business value streams zijn in control voor de onderkende risico’s door de effectiviteit van de ingezette controls continue te toetsen e evidence vast te leggen. 2. Het development perspectief – Development value streams zijn in control door de non-functionele requirements voor information security integraal mee te nemen in de ontwikkeling. 3. Het operations perspectief – Operations value streams zijn in control voor de voortbrenging van de nieuwe en aangepaste ICT services door een adequate inrichting van de CI/CD secure pipeline waarin controle automatisch de non functionele requirements toetsen. Dit boek is een publicatie in de Continuous Everything reeks. De content bestaat uit de bespreking van de toepassing van ISO 27001 aan de hand van drie sets van security practices te weten Governance, Risk en Quality. De practices zijn voorzien van een definitie en doelstelling. Daarnaast worden voorbeelden en best practices gegeven. Het Continuous Security concept is ontworpen om gebruikt te worden in Agile Scrum (development) en DevOps (Development & Operations) omgevingen. Daartoe sluit het naadloos aan op gangbare Agile beheermodellen. Met deze Agile benadering van information security heeft u een krachtig gereedschap in handen om grip te krijgen op de compliancy van uw Agile systeemontwikkeling -en beheer.

€ 119,95
DevOps Continuous Development

Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable (product or service) across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach. This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Planning 2. Continuous Design 3. Continuous Testing 4. Continuous Integration For each Continuous Everything aspect area it is indicated how to organise it in your organisation based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. The best practices are also discussed per aspect area. With this book in hand, you have a powerful tool to further your DevOps skills.

€ 119,95
Continuous Control

Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous AssessmentContinuous Everything is de verzamelnaam van alle Continuous ontwikkelingen die er momenteel gaande zijn in de DevOps wereld. Door deze onder één noemer te laten vallen kan er structuur worden aangebracht aan de individuele ontwikkelingen en kunnen op basis van patterns best practices worden gedefinieerd. Het begrip ‘Continuous’ omvat de termen: outcome driven development, incrementeel & iteratief werken, waste reductie door een Lean aanpak, holistisch werken door people, process, partner & technology in de scope mee te nemen en continue aandacht geven aan een op te leveren product of service in de hele levenscyclus vanuit een end-to-end benadering. Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten: 1. Continuous Auditing 2. Continuous Security 3. Continuous SLA 4. Continuous Assessment Voor elk Continuous Everything aspectgebied wordt aangegeven hoe deze in te richten in uw organisatie op basis van het paradigma van de verandermanager en architectuurprincipes en -modellen. Tevens worden per aspectgebied de best practices besproken. Met dit boek in de hand heeft u een krachtig gereedschap om u verder te bekwamen op het gebied van DevOps.

€ 119,95
DevOps Continuous Operations

Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable (product or service) across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach. This book is a collection of 4 Continuous Everything books, namely: 1. Continuous Deployment 2. Continuous Monitoring 3.Continuous Learning 4. Continuous Assessment For each Continuous Everything aspect area it is indicated how to organize it in your organization based on the change manager paradigm and architecture principles and models. The best practices are also discussed per aspect area. With this book in hand, you have a powerful tool to further your DevOps skills.

€ 56,45
DevOps Continuous Security

Continuous security is an approach that aims to keep an organization in control from three perspectives: 1. The business perspective: Business value streams are in control of the identified risks by continuously testing the effectiveness of the controls deployed and recording evidence. 2. The development perspective: Development value streams are in control by integrally including the non-functional requirements for information security in the development. 3. The operations perspective: Operations value streams are in control for the production of the new and changed ICT services through an adequate design of the CI/CD secure pipeline in which controls automatically test the non-functional requirements. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the application of ISO 27001 on the basis of three sets of security practices, namely Governance, Risk and Quality. The practices are provided with a definition and objective. In addition, examples and best practices are given. The continuous security concept is designed to be used in Agile Scrum (development) and DevOps (Development & Operations) environments. To this end, it connects seamlessly to common Agile management models. This Agile approach to information security provides you with a powerful tool to get a grip on the compliance of your Agile system development and management.

€ 39,95
DevOps Continuous Learning

Continuous Learning is an approach to get a grip on the competences needed to realize your organisation's strategy. To this end, Continuous Learning offers Human Resource Management an approach that explores the organisational needs and competences step by step and converts these needs into competency profiles. A competency profile is defined here as the set of knowledge, skills and behaviour at a certain Bloom level that produces a certain result. Competency profiles are then merged into roles that in turn form functions. In this way an Agile job house is obtained. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the Continuous Learning model that helps you to translate a value chain strategy step by step into a personal roadmap for employees. This book also indicates how to organize Continuous Learning in your organisation based on the paradigm of the change manager and architecture principles and models. With this agile approach to HRM you have a powerful tool to get the competences to the desired level of your organisation.

€ 56,45
DevOps Continuous Auditing

Continuous Auditing is an approach that aims to enable DevOps teams to demonstrate in a short cyclical manner that they are in control when realizing, taking into production and managing the new or modified products and services at a rapid pace. As a result, compliance risks are prevented by already thinking about which risks to mitigate or eliminate from the requirements and the design based on them. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of a discussion of the Continuous Auditing Pyramid model that describes the six steps to give substance to Continuous Auditing, namely: determining scope, determining goals, identifying risks, realizing controls, setting up monitoring facilities and demonstrating effectiveness of controls. The Continuous Auditing concept thus encompasses the entire lifecycle of risk management. As a result, the risks are continuously under control. With this Agile approach to auditing you have a powerful tool to get a grip on the compliance of your Agile system development and management.

€ 39,95
DevOps Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration is a holistic Lean software development approach that aims to produce and put into production continuous software in an incremental and iterative way, where waste reduction is of paramount importance. The word 'holistic' refers to the PPT concepts: People (multiple expert), Process (knowledge of business and management processes) and Technology (application and infrastructure programming). The incremental and iterative method makes fast feedback possible because functionalities can be put into production earlier. This reduces waste because defects are found earlier and can be repaired faster. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of treating Continuous Integration based on a definition, business case, architecture, design, and best practices. Concepts discussed here are the change paradigm, the application of Continuous Integration, use of repositories, code quality, green code, green build, refactoring, security-based development and built-in failure mode. In this way you are quickly up to date in the field of DevOps developments with regard to Continuous Integration.

€ 39,95
DevOps Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing is an approach that aims to provide rapid feedback in the software development process by defining the 'what' and 'how' questions as test cases before starting to build the solution. As a result, the concepts of requirements, test cases and acceptance criteria are integrated in one approach. The term 'continuous' refers to the application of test management in all phases of the deployment pipeline, from requirements to production. The term 'continuous' also includes the aspects People, Process and Technology. This makes test management holistic. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. This book is a publication in the Continuous Everything series. The content consists of treating Continuous Testing based on a definition, business case, architecture, design, and best practices. Concepts discussed are: the change paradigm, the Ideal Test Pyramid, test metadata, Behaviour Driven Development, Test Driven Development, test policies, test techniques, test tools and the role of unit test cases in Continuous Testing. In this way you are quickly up-to-date in the field of DevOps developments and in the field of Continuous Testing.