Progressive Education

Since 2009, Leonon Progressive Education (LPE) has been the leading publisher of books on Dalton, Montessori, and Jenaplan education. Thanks to our close collaboration with research groups in innovative education, we offer publications that optimally support teacher training programs and make new scientific insights accessible. Our publications contribute to the further development of education professionals and inspire innovation in the classroom. For more information, please contact us at

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Leonon Progressive Education

€ 56,45
DevOps Continuous Acceptance

In this CE value stream, the specific acceptance criteria are derived from the business value streams by looking for the risks that the business goals are not achieved. The countermeasures for these risks are tested for effectiveness through acceptance tests. By analogy, the generic acceptance criteria are derived from the CE value streams that flesh out the DevOps Lemniscate. This book is a publication in the continuous everything series. The content consists of the discussion of the derivation of acceptance criteria. An example elaboration is also given for specific acceptance criteria and a number of generic acceptance criteria are given for the following value streams: Continuous Planning, Continuous Design, Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous AI, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring, Continuous Learning, Continuous Security, Continuous Auditing, Continuous SLA and Continuous Assessment.

€ 119,00
DevOps Continuous Business

This book is a collection of four Continuous Everything books: Continuous Outcome, Continuous Architecture, Continuous Acceptance and Continuous AI. A powerful tool in the field of BizDevOps. Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By bringing these under one denominator, structure can be added to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The concept 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, working holistically by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and paying continuous attention to a deliverable product or service throughout its life cycle from an end-to-end approach.