DevOps Continuous Everything an Introduction

  • Auteur: Bart de Best
  • SKU: 9789491480287
  • Verschenen: 11-08-2023
  • Leverbaar: Direct
  • Levertijd (NL): 5 werkdagen
  • Productvorm: Zachte kaft
  • Uitgever: Leonon Media Publishers
  • Aantal pagina's: 108
€ 39,95


Continuous Everything is the collective name for all Continuous developments that are currently going on in the DevOps world. By placing these under one heading, structure can be applied to individual developments and best practices can be defined on the basis of patterns. The term 'Continuous' includes the terms: outcome driven development, incremental & iterative working, waste reduction through a Lean approach, holistic working by including people, process, partner & technology in the scope and giving continuous attention to a deliverable product or service across the entire lifecycle from an end-to-end approach.
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Continuous Business

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Continuous Integration
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Continuous Everything een introductie
Continuous Everything een introductie

Dit boek is een introductie en overzicht van wat Continuous Everything inhoudt.

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Continuous Assessment
Continuous Assessment

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Continuous Design
Continuous Design

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Continuous Development
Continuous Development

Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten:
1. Continuous Planning
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Continuous Operations
Continuous Operations

Dit boek is een bundeling van 4 Continuous Everything boeken te weten:
1. Continuous Deployment
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Continuous Architecture
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